Time Corps 1.0.3 Devlog

Version 1.0.3

-General Update

-Added a quick restart button on game over that restarts from the BOT HQ level, re-using the previously chosen character

-Fixed a bug where a certain chunk appeared invisible but still could kill the player

-Fixed a bug where the player could not double jump off of a platform as they could off the floor

-Adjustments to BOT car, shield and bullet hitbox to make them more lenient

-Added feature to automatically generate default leaderboard when adding score if previous leaderboard not found.

-Added feature to award players with 10000 points upon teleporting to incentivise switching levels

-Lowered building spawns on the BOT HQ level to prevent a gap between the floor and the bottom of buildings

-Reduced the time the leaderboard is displayed for on game over from 7 to 5 seconds

-Fixed a bug where the player would lose all of their batteries upon teleporting instead of the 20 required to teleport

-Adjusted some incorrect alignment with the leaderboard text 

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